CT Food Waste: Composting and Food Rescue


Did you know that food takes up more space in landfills than anything else? In fact, according to Recycle Track Systems:

The United States discards more food than any other country in the world: nearly 40 million tons — 80 billion pounds — every year. That’s estimated to be 30-40 percent of the entire US food supply, and equates to 219 pounds of waste per person. That’s like every person in America throwing more than 650 average sized apples right into the garbage — or rather right into landfills, as most discarded food ends up there. - RTS Website

At the Community of the Transfiguration, we are committed to reducing food waste. Our convent kitchen, Transfiguration Spirituality Retreat Center, and Food for the Soul ministry all now compost unused food through GoZERO commercial composting services, and Bethany School is slated to begin cafeteria food composting during the 2022-23 school year as well.

As a food rescue, pantry and kitchen, the CT's Food for the Soul ministry is modeled around food waste reduction. Through partnerships forged with non-profit organizations FFTS “rescued” approximately 65,000 pounds of food in its first year and 109,000 pounds of food in its second year, with ambitious plans to expand its scope and reach in years to come.

Lastly, CT's Bethany School is implementing a Waste Reduction Initiative with an ambitious goal to divert 70% of cafeteria waste from the landfill by 2025. This will be achieved through community education, a new commercial dishwasher and reusable dishes, bulk food dispensers, additional kitchen equipment, a new waste sorting station and added commercial composting, all made possible in part by the Waste Innovation Grant award from Hamilton County R3source.