

“In NATURE everything moves slowly
But everything is done” - Lao Tzu


Hidasta is a Finnish term meaning “Slow”…or Slow Life! I learned this while living in Finland on sabbatical and was studying their “ways”. I became aware of their “pausing” before speaking, or general respect, and especially the trust that was evident there.  How was this? I wanted to know. I watched, I listened, I learned and continue to learn from them, not only within their natural ways of education I was there to research, but in a slower way of being…

It is really a new way—or perhaps it is a very old way—of being in the world as we purposefully choose to shift our awareness from ‘Doing” to “Being”.

Here it provides an INVITATION to not so much slow our actions down

as to learn to relax and be aware of our breath. To learn to practice the PAUSE.

Everything in Nature pauses all the time.

Just watch a tree limb, or an insect, or any animal in its natural state, and you may be surprised to notice there are pauses of stillness, of just “taking a break”.

How can we learn to SLOW DOWN, to become AWARE of this life we are living?

Ah, here is the magic of asking a question!

“Ask and it shall be given!”

At that very time when I was studying in Finland, my mentor and brilliant teacher Richie Davidson at the University of Wisconsin, Madison was publishing from his findings:

“Wellbeing is no different from learning to play a musical instrument, or a new sport:


For us this can mean simple moments of taking three breaths. There are MANY tools available now to assist with this, and the practice of Mindfulness is a primary focus here:

“Mindfulness is paying attention

In the present moment

On purpose

Without Judgment

As if your life depends on it.”

-Jon Kabat-Zinn, M.D. 

I have been trained in Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Meditation and taught these since 2013, first at university, then online and also in Finland in a course “the Mindful Educator”.

Over the years I have been heartened to discover, over and over again, how individuals who purposefully choose to learn and practice these simple skills (simple, yes, but not so easy) find a greater sense of overall wellbeing and health, less stress, and a sense of agency and self-regulation.

This is why I continue so passionate to continue my own practice and to teach, doing what I can to assist and encourage others to become practitioners.

If you are interested to learn more, please contact me by email:

Or phone: 828-333-3508

For class information or individual instruction or many Resources.

We are so blessed today by so many outstanding teachers I can personally recommend and who also have websites and are available for training, workshops, retreats and inspiration.